Spring is a time for rebirth and renewal. Here at Nora’s Playhouse we are springing ahead toward restarting our beloved salon reading series, The Nora Salon!
Our Alabama team will be leading the charge; we are now accepting submissions for upcoming gatherings of Nora’s Salon South!
For Nora’s Salon South, we welcome submissions of any genre and length, provided they:
- Are by women playwrights,
- Centrally feature women’s stories and perspectives, and
- Have not yet had a production.
Finished pieces and works-in-progress both welcome.
Please email your submission along with a brief cover letter that includes a 150-200 word synopsis of the play to Jacqueline Viskup at salonsouth.submissions@norasplayhouse.org.
(For some answers to frequently asked questions about our salons, please visit our website.)
Our first in-person salon reading post-COVID will take place in Montgomery, Alabama this spring. Keep an eye on your inbox for all the details. We have a script picked out and are now in the process of figuring out the when and the where.
New York supporters, we haven’t forgotten about you! In the coming weeks, we hope to wake up fully from our pandemic hibernation and have some details about NYC’s The Nora Salon for you. Stay tuned!