Latest Past Events

The Nora Salon on ZOOM: Cowboys Are Waiting For Me in Montana

We can't yet gather in person for any theatre, so we are turning our postponed salon reading of Leah Kornfield Friedman's Cowboys Are Waiting For Me In Montana (originally scheduled for 3/20) into a virtual gathering happening Wednesday, June 24th! We hope you will join us online for an informal reading and some friendly conversation […]

The Nora Salon: Simple Gifts

Hosted by Simone Bloche West 92nd Street & Columbus Avenue, New York

Our next gathering of The Nora Salon is the afternoon of Sunday, January 19th on Manhattan's Upper West Side! We hope you’ll join us for a glass of wine, friendly conversation, and an informal reading of Evangelia Costantakos Kingsley’s two-act play Simple Gifts *** In Hancock, Indiana, octogenarian ex-Metropolitan Opera diva and retired singing teacher, […]


The Nora Salon: The Once And Future Casey Colman

Hosted by Emily J. Richard and Rosalind Zavras West 54th Street (between 9th/10th), New York

Our next gathering of The Nora Salon is Friday, November 15th in NYC! We hope you’ll join us for a glass of wine, friendly conversation, and an informal reading of Jacqueline Bircher’s full-length play: The Once And Future Casey Colman. *** Crystal Plains, Kansas is a town filled with psychics. Maybe. No one's exactly sure, […]
